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SailRetreat 2021


To explain the sailing holiday experience, often we find it's easier to detail a typical day on charter. Itineraries are completely flexible though and up to the client discussing their preferences with the crew. Want to stay in the same place for a couple of nights? Sure! Want to visit that special place you've read about? Sure! It's all up to you and the upcoming weather conditions of course...



You'll wake up on your private yacht, located in that special bay, village, quay or marina that you decided on the night before. You'll immediately jump in for your first swim of the day, and/or go ashore to explore the village further and visit the local bakery and deli for fresh bread and food for lunch later that day.  
On the way back to the boat you'll pick up a fresh cup of coffee from a cafe and prepare to leave. Once deciding where your next port of call will be, you'll hoist the sails and for a couple of hours sail to a lovely bay somewhere, where you can anchor the boat and jump in for the first (or second) swim of the day.


After a wonderful swim and snorkel in the clear waters of the bay you're anchored, you'll have a fresh water shower on the back of the boat and drip dry in the Mediterranean sun. Depending on the time, you will read a book, relax in the sun, or if you've already worked up an appetite, break out the fresh bread bought that morning and prepare a fresh salad for lunch. 

After lunch you might go back to your book, sunbathe, take the dinghy to explore the shore and once your food has digested, you'll be back in the water.